With an emphasis on accurate observation, artists will improve their understanding of the figure by incorporating the use of the skeleton, plaster casts (écorché), and master drawings into their life studies. Each artist will learn to complete a carefully rendered drawing from the live model, followed by a companion anatomical/structure drawing of the same pose. By developing their drawings alongside 2-D écorchés, artists will develop a conceptual understanding of the body that may be applied to observational drawing as well as studies from memory and imagination.  The instructor will demo as well as provide individual critiques.


Saturdays: 1 – 5pm

Winter Session: January 11– March 14, 2020
(no class on March 21st unless GCA schedules a make-up)

Winter Tuition full session: $450 – 10 weeks
Note: There are two figure poses at 5 weeks each.
Payment plans available if students register for the full session before January.
Deposit due upon registration. Final payment by January 15.

Limit: 10-12 students

